Custom Apparel Packaging

Custom Apparel Packaging

Complete the look of your clothing line with our apparel packaging solutions. Customize boxes, hang tags, poly mailers, and more for your clothing brand. Available in many sizes.

A Necessity for Clothing Brands and Resellers

Apparel packaging is not just important for clothing businesses — it’s a necessity. You need clothing and shipping boxes if you want to deliver orders to customers. And you’ll have to put clothes in gift bags for over-the-counter purchases.

Accessories like clothing hang tags, tissue paper, and thank you cards help provide additional information or take your presentation to a whole new level.

You can add a business card or two so your customers can easily refer your clothing store to friends and family. 

If you’re a reseller, clothing poly mailers can reduce your shipping costs and protect your products at the same time.

Clothing Shipping Box and Flat Cards
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Clothing Packaging
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What Clothing Packaging Should You Use?

You have several apparel packaging solutions to choose from for shipping products to customers.

Out of all available options, clothing boxes are the ones best suited for transporting apparel. Not only can you make these absolutely pretty with the right design, but they’re also tough enough to handle rough shipping conditions.

But if your customers order in bulk, shipping boxes will allow you to send all orders in one go. You can set the dimensions of your box or stick to standard sizes which will lower the price.

You can order both types of boxes in any quantity you want. If you need to, you can order a sample to see what your boxes look like before committing to larger quantities.

Because they’re so light, clothing poly mailers can lower shipping costs. If you’re only sending one item, it might be more practical to use this packaging instead of boxes.

Improve Customer Experience With Apparel Accessories

Presentation is everything in the apparel industry. Make your products feel more premium by including clothing packaging accessories.

Clothing tags provide customers with the information they need to take care of their clothes properly. These are also good for reinforcing your brand. Having your logo on tags can make all the difference.

Including business cards with every order is a good way of promoting your company. If you have a website where people can learn more about your other products, you best add it to your card.

Those who sell shoes should put them inside apparel shoe boxes to not only prevent them from getting dirty but also make them more attractive to potential buyers. 

Clothing tissue paper covers the apparel for some much-needed protection. It also makes your brand feel more classy.

Before sending your products, slip in a thank you card. Let customers that you appreciate doing business with them. You can use the same cards to promote upcoming events and promotions.

For clothing brands with retail locations, use clothing gift bags. These look fancier than a typical shopping bag and can hold heavier items because of how strong they are.

Clothing Poly Mailer
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Custom Apparel Packaging boxes

The apparel industry is one of the most competitive marketplaces in today's economy. One way to stand out and differentiate yourself is by branding. Custom packaging allows you to brand your products and create a lasting first impression. Use PackM's 3D design technology to create mesmerizing packaging for your brand.

PackM's Custom Fashion Packaging

Custom fashion packaging is not limited to only boxes. Many businesses prefer lighter packaging options and easier packing processes. Here at PackM, we offer custom apparel poly mailers that are fully customizable and easy to use. Poly mailers and bubble mailers allow for a faster packaging process and lower shipping costs while keeping your packaging on brand.

Custom Clothing Accessories & Inserts

Apparel and fashion products often require more than just packaging. PackM offers a variety of packaging inserts and accessories curated for apparel businesses. Choose from hang tags, labels, tape, tissue papers, and more to deliver the ultimate unboxing experience.

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